buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
all that steel and stone
are no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks
we are made to bleed
and scab and heal and bleed again
and turn every scar into a joke
we are made to fight
and fuck and talk and fight again
and sit around and laugh until we choke
sit around and laugh until we choke
i don't know who you were expecting
probably some bitch who does not budge
with eyes the size of snow
i may get pissed off sometimes
but you seem like the type to hold a grudge
and in the end, i just let go...
buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
all that steel and stone
is no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks
this is the first time i've visited your blog... and ani is a good way to draw me in!
if ever i want to listen to poetic music, i listen to ani.
she keeps me going! she's totally amazing :)
I really enjoy ani de franco - I think i just got hooked on female folk singers at a young age...Its all about the lyrics for me.
Weird....I was juuust listening to Ani's Both Hands on my IPOD as I opened your blog. I heart her.
aw...i heart her more and more each day :D
She is playing here in mid-Missouri next week. Oh how badly I wish I could go.
aw i wish that awesome musicians would come here (south africa) to play...sigh
She was just in my town this past week and I missed it. If I could draw a broken heart with my keyboard, I would.
aw...sigh, i love that description :)
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